Chair and co-creator
Rocio is a paleoceanographer and paleoclimatologist. Researcher & Associate Faculty at George Mason University and Visiting Scientist at Brown University. Peruvian born and raised, mother of 2, wife, daughter, sister, friend, invisible chronic disorder warrior and so much more. Her research focuses on reconstructing environmental & climate change in the geologic past, to understand how different parts of the climate system respond & interact, creating the picture left behind in the geo record. I also aim to be an advocate for Diversity and Inclusion, is both a privilege & a duty.
Vice Chair and co-founder
Clara es de Venezuela y actualmente es gerente regional de Exploración y Tectónica de Sal en Petronas México. El trabajo de Clara se centra en la sal #estratigrafía, salt tectonics control on deepwater sedimentation and submarine salt karst. Clara is passionate about enseñando y tutoría. Ella siempre está ansiosa por adquirir conocimientos y experiencia para mejorar mi capacidad para enseñar a otros.
Vice Chair
Luisa is a Colombian structural geologist, characterizing & modelling heat & flow in fractured crystalline rocks, w/applications to geothermal energy.She did her postdoctoral research at the University of Bergen in Norway. Luisa enjoys teaching and outreach, and being a lifelong learner. In her own words: “I am a strong advocate for energy availability as a mean for progress, especially in developing areas of the world
Director financiero
Administrative Chief
Administrative Chief