Liaisons are our connection between GeoLatinas and other global organizations, with Liaisons typically having some sort of leadership position in said organization. A liaison, does NOT need to be Geo and or Latina; demographic is flexible depending on their organization. Below, our current liaisons, per organization in alphabetical order:
Asociación Brasileña de Mujeres Geocientíficas
Sociedad para el Avance de los Chicanos / Hispanos y Nativos Americanos en la Ciencia (SACNAS, @sacnas). SACNAS is an inclusive organization dedicated to fostering the success of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans, from college students to professionals, in attaining advanced degrees, careers, and positions of leadership in STEM.
Frances Rivera-Hernández, PhD – BORICUA PLANETEERS
Frances represents Boricua Planeteers (@PR_Planeteers), a networking group for Puerto Rican scientists in the space and planetary sciences (astro, bio, geo, chem, phys)! Boricua, pa’que tu lo sepas!
Bianca Vásquez – SWISE
Bianca representa a la Sociedad de Mujeres en la Exploración Espacial (SWISE, @SWISEofficial). SWISE promueve y fomenta más mujeres, diversidad e inclusión de campos multidisciplinarios en la exploración espacial.
Amy representa LacCore, National Lacustrine Core Facility and the associated Oficina de Coordinación de Perforación Científica Continental (CSDCO), providing infrastructure for scientists utilizing core samples from Earth’s continents in their research, through integrated support for coring and drilling projects, from project inception through curation.
Paola Tello Guerrero – Antártida Para Valientes
Paola representa #AntartidaParaValientes, which promotes the passion, curiosity, and love of children for science, penguins, and Antarctica using three tools, educational innovation, play and the integration of science, art, and technology, to create a positive impact in our society.
Magali Barba-Sevilla – SOLESS
Magali represents the Society of Latinxs/Hispanics in Earth and Space Science (TAN POCO, @GeoEspacioLatinx). SOLESS is a community of Latinx/Hispanic undergraduate students, graduate students, postdocs, faculty, and professionals dedicated to increasing and reinforcing the representation of Latinx/Hispanics in the Earth and Space Sciences through outreach, visibility, networking, and mentorship.
Bárbara Franco Orozco, Ph.D. – One Voice For Equality
Bárbara representa Una voz por la igualdad (@IgualdadCol ), un proyecto que lidera la participación plena e igualitaria de las mujeres latinoamericanas.
Yalimay Jiménez – Homeward Bound
Yalimay represents the global leadership program De vuelta a casa (@ HomewardBound16). This program is a ground-breaking leadership initiative, set against the backdrop of Antarctica, which aims to heighten the influence and impact of women in making decisions that shape our planet.
Priscilla Nowajewski – TMS
Priscilla representa la Mars Society Chile (@TMSChile), Chilean chapter of the Sociedad de Marte (@themarssociety), abogando por la exploración humana y el asentamiento del planeta Marte.
Laura Flores – TMS
Laura Flores represents the Mars Society Chile (@TMSChile), Chilean chapter of the Sociedad de Marte (@themarssociety), abogando por la exploración humana y el asentamiento del planeta Marte.
Josh Jones – AGU
Josh represents the Unión Geofísica Americana (AGU, @theAGU). The AGU galvanizes a community of Earth and space scientists that collaboratively advances and communicates science and its power to ensure a sustainable future. This year, they celebrate 100 years of scientific achievement.